Hello and welcome to Year 4's very own class page! We promise to provide you with lots of information about what we get up to during each term.
Terms 1 and 2: Anglo-Saxons/South America
Terms 3 and 4: Ancient Egyptians/Europe
Term 5 and 6: The Tudors/Landscapes: weathering
Mrs Barber teaches Tuesday - Friday.
Mrs Badmin-Reynolds teaches on Mondays.
We both work closely with each other, therefore if you have anything you wish to ask us, then please don't hesitate to ask either one of us.
We have Maths homework assigned online each week on Splash Learn
SplashLearn - Fun Maths Practice Games for Year 1 to Year 6
We also have SPAG - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar games on Rollama. All children have their logins.
Spellings are set each Monday and tested each Friday, please see the new spelling lists for each week in the red homework book.
Children are encouraged to spend at least 10 minutes each day practising their timetables.
Click below for some fun links:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Times tables games and songs 1-12 - BBC Bitesize