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Y1 PHOTO GALLERY 2017-2018

29th June'18 - SPORTS DAY

15th June'18 - FEEL GOOD FRIDAY - The BIG Play!!!

14th June'18 - We all enjoyed our TEDDY BEAR'S PICNIC!


18th May'18 - Some fire fighters came to visit. They taught us about fire safety and what to do if we were caught in a fire. They showed us their fire engine and all the different equipment they use.

June'18 - PIRATES

May'18 - We have been learning the story of PENTECOST. It is when the Holy Spirit came and the birthday of the Church.

May'18 - Y1/6 MARY OF LOURDES Reflection

27th Apr'18 - Here is the story of our frogspawn. Today we released them into the school pond. We raised over 250 froglets!!!

Apr'18 - GYMNASTICS - We are using our new skills on the big apparatus

20th Apr'18 - We acted out the story of THE PIED PIPER with Steve from PARTAKE

Apr'18 - We have started DANCE with Felicity

Apr'18 - The Three Little Pigs

Mar'18 - We were all very sad to say goodbye to our good friend PENNY

Mar'18 - Well done Rafal for winning the EASTER RAFFLE

We designed our own EASTER CARDS

We acted out parts of the EASTER STORY



The IN REALITY TEAM came to work with Year 5. They led a special Lenten Liturgy

Mar'18 - We were visited by some REPTILES. Thank you Sarah and Eilish for sharing your interesting pets!

Happy MOTHER'S DAY to our brilliant mums! (sorry the picture's upside down!)

We used ANIMAL FACT FILES to find out about different types of animals; their habitats, diets and other interesting information.

We are learning lots of ways to move and travel in GYMNASTICS

Feb'18 - To celebrate the start of CHINESE NEW YEAR we invited Class 2 to our art and crafts afternoon

Feb'18 - We designed and made cards for ST VALENTINE'S DAY

Jan'18 - MATERIALS - We found objects around the classroom and sorted them

Jan'18 - We visited Harold in the LIFE EDUCATION CENTRE

Jan'18 - We celebrated EPIPHANY, when the three kings came to visit Jesus

Dec'17 - The CHRISTINGLE Liturgy

Dec'17 - We showed off our brilliant performance skills in our NATIVITY PLAY, Stable Story!

15th Dec'17 - Christmas DISCO dancing!

14th Dec'17 - CHRISTMAS DINNER day - YUM!

Dec'17 - ADVENT - WAITING - Getting ready for Christmas

Dec'17 - ME AND MY SENSES investigations

17th Nov'17 - We raised money for CHILDREN IN NEED

Nov'17 - Outdoor Learning - PLANTING TREES

Nov'17 - Brilliant BONFIRE NIGHT!

Nov'17 - Pumpkin Competition

October 2017 - KS1 MULTI-SKILLS at the Elizabethan High School

October 2017 - We used artefacts from Bassetlaw Museum to learn about wash day in Victorian times. We used a wash tub, dolly, posser and washboard.
