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In Our School...

Our Mini Vinnies



September is Awareness Month for the SVP


We remember those who helped to found the Society of St Vincent de Paul

and who inspire us now.


                    St Vincent de Paul                    Blessed Frederic Ozanam


                  St Louise de Marillac                 Blessed Rosalie Rondu





*************** Autumn 2024 ***************






In July we say a big

thank you

to all the Mini Vinnies for their hard work and concern for others.


We must thank everyone in the school community for their help and support too.


And as we say goodbye and good luck to all the Year 6 Mini Vinnies

we hope their concern for others continues to be an important part of their lives.



Look what we were doing this year





In June the Mini Vinnies visited Bassetlaw food bank to plan an assembly in school and a food collection.





In May the Mini Vinnies have been meeting to pray the rosary








Minutes of meetings




***************Summer 2024*****************









The Mini Vinnies served fair trade tea coffee and cake and books were available too.





The Mini Vinnies set up the hall and prepared for the Big Brew














These charities are all helping to make trade more fair




Minutes of meetings




Some Mini Vinnies hold a receipt for a cash donation of £50 for the homeless charity Hope in Worksop - the school donated items and money during Advent.




*************Spring 2024***************




Mini Vinnies make cards for the care home and parish




Flyers created with the Mini Vinnies' slogans in green and purple
















Our new Mini Vinnies Group this year

*************Autumn 2023***************




The Mini Vinnies are singing





The Y6 Mini Vinnies helped with the Uniform Project stall - they helped some parents find uniform and over £40 was raised in Donations to the SVP









****************Summer Term 2023 ************************







It was Fair Trade Fortnight

A Fairtrade recipe book Click below for some recipes

The Mini Vinnies are preparing for a Fairtrade event


Friday 10th March at 3pm








Mini Vinnies attended the parish social event hosted by St Joseph's SVP society on 8th January




**********************Spring Term 2023**********************




Thank you to all who helped the Foodbank this Autumn.  

St Joseph's has sent a big donation of food to help others.

Mini Vinnies visited the Bassetlaw foodbank in November and helped sort and fill bags for distribution.





These are our Mini Vinnies for this school year.  

Some in Year 5 have completed training to be Playground Buddies at lunchtime.  

They are wearing their caps.  

Year 6 Mini Vinnies will plan for an assembly after our visit to Bassetlaw Foodbank.



















 ****************** Autumn Term 2022 *******************







New Mini Vinnies are commissioned

******************* Summer Term 2022 *******************

Mrs Crowborough ran the Traidcraft stall.

We provided hot chocolate drinks after school

and information about fair trade as part of Fair Trade Fortnight.




******************* Spring Term 2022 *******************


Our new Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies work as Playground Buddies at playtime

to help children sort out their problems and be friends again.






******************* Autumn Term 2021 *******************






Our Summer Planning


*******************Summer Term 2021 ******************

During Lent the Mini Vinnies will think about what they can do to help others

You can join them and download a calendar from here






Minutes of meeting 26 February 2021

 Sadly the Covid pandemic stopped us from holding our Fairtrade event in February 


But you can find out more when you watch this film






******************* Spring Term 2021 *******************

Our Advent Prayer

Christmas cards made by Mini Vinnies

   Since their commissioning liturgy on 9/11/2020

the Mini Vinnies have been busy.


They have: -

  • written to some residents of a local care home
  • made posters for he Advent Food Bank collection
  • composed an Advent prayer and asked the school to join them in prayer
  • made Christmas cards for all the care home residents and some housebound parishioners and Retford residents

Our planning for this term

Commissioning Liturgy for new Mini Vinnies 

Monday 9th November 2020

We have a new group of Mini Vinnies 

******************* Autumn Term 2020 *******************


Have a look at the new Mini Vinnies website


click picture below






Thank you to all who donate to Bassetlaw Food Bank.  


The Retford shop is currently closed, although food bank staff are busy working with other agencies to get food out to those who need it.


When it reopens we will need your help to refill the shelves.


 Thank you again for all your generosity


from the Mini Vinnies





Mini Vinnies Easter Display Competition





Lent Food Bank Collection

Fair Trade Afternoon Tea 13th February 2020

Fair Trade Fortnight 2020 is Monday 24 February - Sunday 8 March

 ********************* Spring Term 2020 *********************

November and December 2019


The Mini Vinnies organised school collections for Bassetlaw Foodbank and helped load items for delivery.  They continued their work as Playground Buddies.

October 2019 Mini Vinnies visit Bassetlaw Foodbank to find out why we need one.

September 2019 The Mini Vinnies are now trained as Playground Buddies and will help other children solve problems in the playground

September 2019. New Mini Vinnies meet to plan for new school year

******************* Autumn Term 2019 *******************

Mini Vinnies were working hard in July

We have a new group of Mini Vinnies

******************* Summer Term 2019 *******************

We are mentioned on their facebook page - Bassetlaw FoodBank

Mini Vinnie visited Bassetlaw FoodBank in Retford

Look at the Fairtrade4Bassetlaw page on facebook

Afternoon Tea - welcoming guests

Why Fairtrade?

Fairtrade Afternoon Tea on the 14th February

Spring Plan

******************** Spring Term 2019 ********************

Advent food bank collection

The Mini Vinnies thought about people in the parish and the wider community of Retford, who are unable to take part in preparations for Christmas due to illness, disability or loneliness. They asked the Prayer Chaplains to lead the school prayers for them during Advent and the Mini Vinnies made cards for parishioners to take to those they visited and tell them of the prayers.

Food collected for the Bassetlaw Food Bank October 2018

The Mini Vinnies are working as Playground Buddies each day

Autumn Plan

New Mini Vinnies September 2018

******************** Autumn Term 2018 ********************

What do our Mini Vinnies do?

Mini Vinnies day trip out with the parish

New Mini Vinnies commissioned for September

Share The Journey

Pope Francis and Share the Journey campaign launch

Join Pope Francis and Caritas to Share the Journey with migrants and refugees from 27th September onwards. #sharejourney

Summer Term 2018

Foodbank visit March 2018

The Candlemas Cards

Spring term 2018

Mini Vinnies prepare the Advent booklet

The Mini Vinnies all train as Playground Buddies to help others in the playground

Autumn term 2017

September 2017 Our Mini Vinnies

Commissioning Liturgy for new Mini Vinnies Summer 2017

Some Mini Vinnie activities 2017

June 16th 2016 Mini Vinnies invite parishioners to school

During Advent the school collected items for Bassetlaw Food Bank.  In December 2015, the Mini Vinnie group visited the food bank in Retford, to find out how it operated and help with sorting and filling bags.