- Begin to use place value (T/U)
- Count in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s
- Identify, represent & estimate numbers
- Compare / order numbers, Inc. < > =
- Write numbers to 100
- Know number facts to 20 (+ related to 100)
- Use x and ÷ symbols
- Recognise commutative property of multiplication
Geometry & Measures
- Know and use standard measures
- Read scales to nearest whole unit
- Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract simple sums of less than £1 or in pounds
- Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes
- Identify & sort 2-d & 3-d shapes
- Identify 2-d shapes on 3-d surfaces
- Order and arrange mathematical objects
- Use terminology of position & movement
- Find and write simple fractions
- Understand equivalence of e.g. 2/4 = 1/2
- Interpret simple tables & pictograms
- Ask & answer comparison questions
- Ask & answer questions
about totalling