Prayer Chaplains
The Prayer Chaplains describe themselves as, ‘pupils who provide spiritual care’. There are two children from each class who make up the School Prayer Chaplains. They play a vital role in enhancing and promoting the School Mission Statement and Gospel to students and the wider community. We have a group of passionate children from across all year groups who work closely together to provide a range of well-planned and effective opportunities for the spiritual and moral development of pupils and staff.
The Prayer Chaplains meet once a month to discuss issues, find solutions and consider different ways in which they are strengthening mission and deepening spirituality. They listen and respond to the voices’ of their peers, discuss and develop ideas collaboratively, and launch whole school initiatives.
The Prayer chaplains Aims to:
Planning and Leading Liturgical Prayer
The Class Prayer Chaplains show true leadership as they work together, alongside the Headteacher, the Head of Chaplaincy and their class teachers to plan and deliver prayer groups, liturgies and acts of worship across the whole school.
The Class Prayer Chaplains play a leading role in planning and delivering liturgical prayer to the class with their peers. They also take an active role in leading daily prayers in classroom; directing the focus to the class prayer table and lighting a candle.
The Prayer Chaplains support children in their class to plan, resource and deliver special weekly liturgical prayers and celebrations of the word. These are in addition to class liturgical prayer. This helps us mark and reinforces key messages during these special times of preparation. The Prayer Chaplains are able to express their views and be a voice for pupils across the school. In meetings, the children are actively asked for their opinions and thoughts. They also have a responsibility to listen and respond to voices and opinions of others, even if those differ to their own.
They participate in group discussions, contribute suggestions, ways and opportunities for further spiritual development across the school. This may be around which charities to support at specific times of the year, ideas for a whole school display or how to develop spirituality further in the classroom. Members of the team will then willingly take on leadership roles to deliver this change, with the support of adults.
Called to Action
The School Prayer Chaplains play a leading role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching and are proactive in finding ways of responding, locally, nationally and globally. They gladly embrace the responsibility to pursue the common good and serve those in need.
They do so by supporting and working alongside charities such as the Foodbank, CAFOD, the Good Shepherd Appeal.
St Joseph's Prayer Chaplains support the school and staff leading prayer in class, during school liturgies and masses. The Chaplains lead by being a positive role model in school, help our Mini Vinnie group with the spiritual aspects of their roles and support with school charities.
This year the Chaplains have updated the school prayer book and worked to prepare prayer packs to go home to support prayer in the home. They have also supported Mrs Howley update our class Liturgy boxes and the materials included for children to lead prayer and liturgy independently.