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School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Priorities identified for 2023/2024 are:

RE, Catholic Life of the school and Collective Worship

  • Updating and sharing the DSEF for Catholic Life, RE and Collective Worship
  • Begin to trial the new RECD with all staff across the school and develop resources (powerpoints)
  • Develop prayer life in school with Liturgy leaders from each class delivering self-planned collective worship.

Quality of Education

  • To ensure attainment across all year groups matches or exceeds National averages in Maths (KS1 70%, KS2 73%) supporting misconceptions and enabling opportunities for assessment in maths to be strengthened by teaching pedagogy.
  • The curriculum content of Science and PE should enable pupils to develop detailed knowledge and skills with greater confidence from staff.
  • To further develop subject leader deep dives to measure outcomes for pupils’ achievement including disadvantaged and pupils with SEND.

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • To ensure children have a desire to learn and share their learning, through acquisition of fixed knowledge and enjoyment of the curriculum both in school and out of school.
  • To ensure parents have a greater knowledge and understanding of behaviour and contribute towards the life of the school in tangible ways (food banks, clubs, reading partners, stay and play)
  • To further strengthen the attendance procedures, especially for vulnerable pupils, by beginning with a MAT attendance policy and procedure.

Personal Development

  • To strengthen opportunities for children to children to share their knowledge and understanding follow development of children’s fixed knowledge and understanding across all areas of the curriculum, ensuring children acquire fixed knowledge and we as staff are able to evaluate the knowledge gained through our curriculum delivery. 
  • To ensure parents have a greater knowledge and understanding of behaviour and contribute towards the life of the school in tangible ways (food banks, healthy eating week, clubs, reading partners, stay and play)
  • To focus on the development of the person to provide opportunities for extensive personal development (outstanding) through school council values and debates, making children resilient and independent

Effectiveness of Leadership and Management

  • To continue to ensure opportunities for continual professional development, including pedagogical content for staff which is aligned with the curriculum and enables for shared leadership in the school’s approach to the curriculum review and implementation.
  • Teachers need further opportunity to review, share and moderate teacher assessments especially with other settings.

Early Years

  • We need to enhance the curriculum provision to ensure there are no limits or barriers to achievement regardless of background, with a focus on challenge and interaction for children and staff specifically during work time. 
  • To strengthen engagement of children to sustain higher levels of concentration through EYFS resources and staffing to enrich the curriculum with greater ambition with a focus on discussion of subject matter by all parties.









