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Safeguarding - Child Protection

Every School / Academy is required to follow a set procedure in cases of suspected child abuse.  Head teachers and school safeguarding officers including services that work within our schools, such as the school nurse, are required to refer their concerns to the Child and Young Persons Services for further investigation.  This helps us to ensure children at risk can be identified and supported quickly.  This is intended to protect children from abuse and provide care where necessary.  When a school refers a concern about a pupil to the Family Service or Social Services Department it is not accusing the parents/carers of abuse, but requesting that further investigation takes place to establish whether or not a child is at risk.


Child protection at St. Josephs –  Richard Hilton & Helen Barber (School Safeguarding Officers)

                                                      Kevin Murphy (School Safeguarding Governor)

Please see a link below to a simple resource video to support everyone to support their children with screen time, internet filtering, access to suitable internet content, age appropriate apps, online grooming, gaming, cyberbullying, online hate and social networking. It has been produced by the E-safety office, which St Joseph's work alongside to support school e-safety and general data protection compliance. Please log onto the 20 minute video the password to gain access is ESORET150722

Nottinghamshire Children's Safeguarding Partnership information on different forms of abuse

Sexual abuse in educational settings

Any form of sexual abuse should be referred to the senior designated lead for Safeguarding - Mr Hilton.  We have a Peer on Peer Abuse policy, in addition to our Safeguarding Policy which will be followed if there are any allegations of Peer abuse in school.  Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy supports staff to teach children about appropriate relationships and identifies unhealthy relationships.

The dedicated NSPCC helpline number is 0800 136 663 and more information is available at: Dedicated helpline for victims of abuse in schools NSPCC.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources


Below are resources that are particularly useful for teachers, support staff and others working in primary schools, all recommended by the people behind Mentally Healthy Schools which was launched by the Duchess of Cambridge in 2018, offering information, advice and practical resources to better understand and promote mental health and wellbeing in schools



Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline Please find details below of the mental health helpline which is available 7 days a week from 9.00am through to 11.00pm.

Young People self harm guidance

Supporting those subject to Domestic Abuse


Nottinghamshire 24 hr Domestic Abuse Freephone helpline:

Domestic Abuse Service for Men:

What parents need to know about MoMo

Click here to see a list of short hand acronyms used by children and teenagers to support an understanding of texting and further inform you of the content of messages sent   

The Prevent Plan 


The Counter Terrorism and Security Act became law on 16 February 2015. The Act places a statutory duty on authorities to have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. This is known as the Prevent Duty. It came into force on the 1 July 2015. 

Prevent aims to protect those who are vulnerable to exploitation, extremism or radicalisation from those who seek to recruit them to support their cause.

Extremism is defined by the UK government as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. 

The Prevent Duty applies to all maintained schools and independent schools Including, Free Schools and Academies and registered early year’s childcare providers



ACT Early campaign update

The ACT Early campaign is already having a life-changing impact by providing help and advice to those who may be at risk of radicalisation. Since its launch in November, the site has already received more than 25,000 individual visits and as a result the new national police Prevent advice line has been receiving calls every week from concerned family and friends, with specialist support being put in place where appropriate.

We are delighted to let you know that two new animated 2-minute explainer films about Prevent have now been added to the ACT Early website and our partners’ toolkit. You can find them on the website here:


PANTS (the Underwear Rule) lesson plan, slide presentation, curriculum links, classroom activities and supporting information.


Share Aware

Lesson plans and classroom guidance about staying safe online.


Net Aware

Net Aware reviews around 40 of the most popular social networking sites, apps and games used by children and young people.


E-safety for schools

Online safety support and resources for schools and colleges including training, teaching resources, information for parents, IT systems requirements and ongoing monitoring.


Childline posters and wallet cards

Our series of posters and wallet cards encourage children to contact Childline if they want to talk.


Our resources on TES

You can find all our free lesson plans and teaching resources on TES.


Monthly education updates

Subscribe to our Safeguarding in Education Update email for all the latest education and child protection news.


Parent workshops with O2

We deliver online safety parent workshops, in partnership with O2, to primary schools across the UK. If your School is part of the Speak out Stay safe programme you can book a session for us to come to your school and deliver an hour-long session to help parents and carers keep their family safe online. There is a box on the Booking Form to complete if you are interested and my Area Coordinator, Emma Grishin, will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time.


NSPCC Learning

Schools and education safeguarding and child protection training courses. NSPCC training courses to help you ensure your school environment is safe for every child.


Virgin Media children's internet safety 
