In Year 3 we are developing our independence and using our growth mindset to achieve excellent learning. We have lots of exciting topics this year, The Roman Empire and a study of the United Kingdom, exploring maps, Volcanoes and Earthquakes and learning about The Stone Age. We teach Literacy through a variety of texts that will enrich the children's learning and we use a range of concrete resources to teach mathematical concepts.
Children will need to bring book bags and homework in on a Monday, book bags will then be sent home on a Tuesday.
New spellings will be given out on a Friday so please make sure children are bringing their spelling books back ready for the test and new spellings.
Swimming takes place every Monday from 11th September until the 11th December. For all information regarding swimming please visit homepage >> Information for Parents/Carers >> Swimming
PE takes place every Tuesday, your child will require a plain or school logo white t-shirt and appropriate bottoms. Football kits are not to be worn for PE sessions. Your child will also need a pair of trainers and a tracksuit for the colder months. Please ensure all kit is labelled clearly.
In year 3 we love to read, so every Tuesday reading books will be changed and children will also have the opportunity to take out a school library book.
Homework will be given out on a Tuesday and they will have until the Monday after for this to be completed.
Find below some links for different reading websites to help engage children! Learning to read fluently is vital for every child, and it only takes 15 minutes of practice a day to make a real difference.