School Meals
Our school has a school kitchen where meals are prepared on a daily basis on site. The Nottinghamshire School Meals Service provides service and meals for our school. In Nottinghamshire we are actively trying to reduce our carbon footprint and are proud to be going local with our school dinners, to cut down on our food miles. Our school dinners are packed with fresh and tasty ingredients which meet many strictly regulated food assurance schemes.
For every new menu we always search high and low across our region for the very best quality products to make exciting meals. We have introduced even more organic items to our meals, including potatoes, pasta and milk ensuring your child gets all the goodness and taste from their food.
Good eating habits can last a lifetime and Food for Life is a great opportunity to help understand where our food comes from and the importance of it on our health.
Find out more at
Dinner Money
Please pay all dinner money in advance through the Arbor App. The cost of a school meal is £2.95. If you have any questions regarding the app or how to add money to your account, please contact the School Office. Please be aware St Joseph’s do not allow school meal debts to develop.
Free School Meals
Since September 2014 KS1 & F2 pupils are entitled to a free school meals.If you receive certain benefits you may be entitled to free school meals. Please register your child even if your child does not take up the free meal as this generates important funding for the pupils, known as pupil premium funding (see school website for details of funding and its use)
Special diets and allergies
We aim to ensure all pupils have access to healthy school dinners regardless of any special requirements.
If your child’s diet does not suit our menus due to any food allergies or intolerances, religious or ethical beliefs please let us know so we can make alternative arrangements.
Please complete an EC46 pupil dietary/food allergy request form and return to the school office.
EC46 pupil dietary/food allergy request form
Any allergies and intolerances must be accompanied and supported by medical documentation from the child’s GP or other medical professional.