St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy
Standards Summary 2022-23:
Foundation Stage
- Overall percentages of children attaining a Good Level of Development (GLD) was 70% which is a 3% increase on previous year’s results and above the Local Authority figure of 67% and the National figure of 67%.
- 70% of children attained expected or exceeded in all ELG compared to LA 66% and NA 66%.
- 70% of children reached GLD in Literacy compared to LA 70% NA 70%
- 70% of children reached GLD in Maths compared to LA 77% NA 77%
- 74% of children reached a good level of development in all prime areas (CL, PD and PSED) compared to LA 76% NA 75%
- 50% of FSM achieved GLD compared to LA 52% and NA 52%
Key Stage 1 summary –
- The combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths was 57% exceeding the Notts average of 57%. Outcomes in Reading and Writing were above the Nottinghamshire average and inline in Maths. Outcomes at GDS rose in maths or girls. We now rank 122 out of 259 schools in Writing and 127 out of 259 in Reading and 154 out of 259 in Maths.
ARE 71% 67% of boys, 75% of girls
GDS 5% 17% of boys, 19% of girls
- Outcomes were inline with the Nottinghamshire average 72% in Maths
- Boys reaching the expected standard 67% is just below the notts boys figure of 72%.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 75% is above the notts girls figure of 72%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in maths 17% was just below the Notts figure of 20%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in maths 19% was above the Notts figure of 14%
- 18% achieved the greater depth standard, inline with 17% notts
- An increase in greater depth in Maths attainment and secure results.
- 60% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 50% locally, a GAP of 10%
- 50% of the EAL children reached the expected standard a decrease on previous year results and now below the 74% locally, so a GAP of 24%
- No SEN children in the cohort achieved the exp standard compared to 33% Nationally.
ARE 71% 75% of boys, 69% of girls
Above ARE 14% 8% of boys, 19% of girls
- Outcomes were above with the Nottinghamshire average 69% and NA 69%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 75% is above the notts boys figure of 65%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 69% is just below the girls figure of 72%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in reading 8% was below the notts 17%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in reading 19% was just below the notts 21%
- 14% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 19% notts
- 60% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 50% locally.
- 33% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 65% locally.
- No children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 23% locally.
ARE 64% 58% of boys, 69% of girls
Above ARE 18% 8% of boys, 25% of girls
- Outcomes were above the Nottinghamshire average 61% in Writing and NA 60%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 58% is just above the notts boys figure of 55%.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 69% is above the notts girls figure of 67%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in writing 8% is above the notts figure of 5%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in writing 25% was above the notts 9%
- 13% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 7% notts
- 60% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 45% locally.
- 50% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 61% locally.
- No children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 15% locally.
Phonics Screening
- 83% of pupils achieved the expected standard in the Y1 phonics screening test compared to Nottinghamshire 79% and 80% NA. 73% boys 93% girls. 83% FSM achieved compared to 68% Notts, 100% BME achieved compared to 81% Notts, and 100% EAL achieved compared to 81% Notts, so the gaps are positive for St Joseph’s apart from 25% for SEND compared to 38% Notts.
Key Stage 2 Summary
Attainment at the end of KS2 in all subjects is inline with Notts and NA figures. Results in GP&S have fallen this year, Writing and Maths results have improved and the combined score of 59% is inline with the NA average of 59%. Those achieving the higher standard 10% is now above the NA of 8%. Progress scores have improved in Writing and Maths but fallen in Reading. We rank 159 out of 259 schools for Maths and 139 out of 259 for Writing and 131 out of 259 in Reading.
ARE 72% 41% of boys, 75% of girls
- Outcomes were inline with the Nottinghamshire 72% and NA average 73%
- The Greater Depth score of 14% is below the NA GDS 29%
- 50% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard, compared to 50% Notts
- 20% of children with SEN reached the expected, compared to 36% Notts
- 60% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard, compared to 70% Notts
- The Average scaled progress score in Reading is -1.9 a decrease on previous year
ARE 72% 53% of boys, 100% of girls
- Outcomes were inline with the Nottinghamshire average 72% and NA 71%
- The Greater Depth score of 17% is now above the Notts and NA GDS 13%
- 33% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard, compared to 54% NA
- 40% of children with SEN reached the expected standard compared to 34% NAT
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard, compared to 69% NA
- The Average scaled progress score in is 0.63 which is now positive and shows the impact of the new writing scheme.
ARE 72% 80% of boys, 55% of girls
- Outcomes were inline with the Nottinghamshire average 75% NA 73%
- The Greater Depth score of 21% is just below the Notts GDS 24%
- 67% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard, compared to 59% NA
- 60% of children with SEN reached the expected standard compared to 33% NA
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard compared to 82% NA
- The Average scaled score in Maths is progress 0.77 an increase on previous year
In Summary, the results are positive and inline with predictions in Maths and exceeding predictions in Reading and Writing but not Grammar expectations, although Reading progression was lower than expected (which accounts for 3 children with 98 scaled scores with 100 being the pass mark. This leaves the combined score at 59% in line with the NA; reviewing this, there is a need for ensuring vulnerable groups are monitored and supported so that gaps in understanding are carefully addressed and children complete home learning activities to support acquisition of fixed knowledge.
Standards Summary 2021-22:
Foundation Stage
- Overall percentages of children attaining a Good Level of Development (GLD) was 67% which is a 7% increase on previous year’s results and in line with the Local Authority figure of 67% and just above the National figure of 65%.
- 67% of children attained expected or exceeded in all ELG compared to LA 65% and NA 63%.
- 67% of children reached GLD in Literacy compared to LA 69% NA 76%
- 67% of children reached GLD in Maths compared to LA 76% NA 76%
- 77% of children reached a good level of development in all prime areas (CL, PD and PSED) compared to LA 75% NA 76%
- 50% of FSM achieved GLD compared to LA 50% and NA 49%
Key Stage 1 summary –
- The combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths was 70% exceeding the Notts average of 55%. Outcomes in Reading and Writing were above the Nottinghamshire average and above in Maths. Outcomes at GDS fell below the Notts results with outcomes inline in Reading and Writing but not in Maths.
ARE 80% 83% of boys, 77% of girls
GDS 5% 17% of boys, 0% of girls
- Outcomes were above the Nottinghamshire average 69% in Maths
- Boys reaching the expected standard 83% is above the notts boys figure of 69% a positive significant increase on previous results.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 79% is now above the notts girls figure of 69%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in maths 17% was inline the Notts figure of 17%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in maths 0% was below the Notts figure of 11%
- 5% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 14% notts
- A dip in greater depth in Maths attainment, but stronger results for boys and secure results well above the LA across all areas.
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 41% locally, a GAP of 6%%
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard an improvement on previous year results and above 69% locally, no GAP
- No SEN children in the cohort.
ARE 80% 83% of boys, 79% of girls
Above ARE 15% 0% of boys, 21% of girls
- Outcomes were above with the Nottinghamshire average 67% and NA 67%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 83% is above the notts boys figure of 63%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 79% is above the girls figure of 72%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in reading 0% was well below the notts 16%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in reading 21% was just above the notts 19%
- 15% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 17% notts
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 51% locally.
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 63% locally.
- No Children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 22% locally.
ARE 80% 67% of boys, 71% of girls
Above ARE 5% 0% of boys, 7% of girls
- Outcomes were well above the Nottinghamshire average 59% in Writing and NA 58%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 67% is well above the notts boys figure of 52% and a positive increase on previous results for school.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 71% is inline with the notts girls figure of 66%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in writing 0% is below the notts figure of 5%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in writing 7% was just below the notts 9%
- 5% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 5% notts
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 51% locally.
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 63% locally.
- No children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 22% locally.
Phonics Screening
- 90% of pupils achieved the expected standard in the Y1 phonics screening test compared to Nottinghamshire 77%. 86% boys 94% girls. 100% FSM achieved compared to 64% Notts, 100% BME achieved compared to 92% Notts, and 100% EAL achieved compared to 92% Notts, so the gaps are positive for St Joseph’s.
Key Stage 2 Summary
Attainment at the end of KS2 in all subjects apart from Reading is below Notts. Results in Reading and GP&S have improved again this year, Writing results fallen slightly, however Maths results have declined now for the past two years and the combined score of 43% is well below the Notts average of 59%. Those achieving the higher standard 0% is below the Notts average of 7%. Scaled scores are below Notts averages.
ARE 83% 90% of boys, 80% of girls
- Outcomes were above the Nottinghamshire average 74%
- The Greater Depth score of 17% is below the Notts GDS 27%
- 89% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in Reading is -0.7 a decrease on previous year
ARE 67% 50% of boys, 75% of girls
- Outcomes were just below the Nottinghamshire average 69%
- The Greater Depth score of 0% is below the Notts GDS 13%
- 56% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in is -1.7 which is low and follows moderation of Writing from the Local Authority. A priority to improve writing provision in school is required in the 2022-2023 SDP
ARE 63% 80% of boys, 55% of girls
- Outcomes were below the Nottinghamshire average 71%
- The Greater Depth score of 13% is below the Notts GDS 23%
- 56% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 60% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in Reading is -1.1 a decrease on previous year
In Summary, the Reading result is very positive and 6% above what was predicted, and the Grammar result is good, 3% above what was predicted. The Maths score is lower than expected by 14% (which accounts for 4 children with 99 scaled scores with 100 being the pass mark), the writing score is also lower than expected by 10% following moderation. This leaves the combined score lower than expected. A focus moving forward will be in supporting development of gaps in Maths and establishing the new Writing curriculum 'The Write Stuff'.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School,
a Voluntary Academy Retford
Standards Summary 2021-22:
Foundation Stage
- Overall percentages of children attaining a Good Level of Development (GLD) was 67% which is a 7% increase on previous year’s results and in line with the Local Authority figure of 67% and just above the National figure of 65%.
- 67% of children attained expected or exceeded in all ELG compared to LA 65% and NA 63%.
- 67% of children reached GLD in Literacy compared to LA 69% NA 76%
- 67% of children reached GLD in Maths compared to LA 76% NA 76%
- 77% of children reached a good level of development in all prime areas (CL, PD and PSED) compared to LA 75% NA 76%
- 50% of FSM achieved GLD compared to LA 50% and NA 49%
Key Stage 1 summary –
- The combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths was 70% exceeding the Notts average of 55%. Outcomes in Reading and Writing were above the Nottinghamshire average and above in Maths. Outcomes at GDS fell belwo the Notts results with outcomes inline in Readingh and Writing but not in Maths.
ARE 80% 83% of boys, 77% of girls
GDS 5% 17% of boys, 0% of girls
- Outcomes were above the Nottinghamshire average 69% in Maths
- Boys reaching the expected standard 83% is above the notts boys figure of 69% a positive significant increase on previous results.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 79% is now above the notts girls figure of 69%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in maths 17% was inline the Notts figure of 17%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in maths 0% was below the Notts figure of 11%
- 5% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 14% notts
- A dip in greater depth in Maths attainment, but stronger results for boys and secure results well above the LA across all areas.
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 41% locally, a GAP of 6%%
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard an improvement on previous year results and above 69% locally, no GAP
- No SEN children in the cohort.
ARE 80% 83% of boys, 79% of girls
Above ARE 15% 0% of boys, 21% of girls
- Outcomes were above with the Nottinghamshire average 67% and NA 67%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 83% is above the notts boys figure of 63%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 79% is above the girls figure of 72%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in reading 0% was well below the notts 16%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in reading 21% was just above the notts 19%
- 15% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 17% notts
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 51% locally.
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 63% locally.
- No Children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 22% locally.
ARE 80% 67% of boys, 71% of girls
Above ARE 5% 0% of boys, 7% of girls
- Outcomes were well above the Nottinghamshire average 59% in Writing and NA 58%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 67% is well above the notts boys figure of 52% and a positive increase on previous results for school.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 71% is inline with the notts girls figure of 66%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in writing 0% is below the notts figure of 5%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in writing 7% was just below the notts 9%
- 5% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 5% notts
- 75% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 51% locally.
- 100% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 63% locally.
- No children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 22% locally.
Phonics Screening
- 90% of pupils achieved the expected standard in the Y1 phonics screening test compared to Nottinghamshire 77%. 86% boys 94% girls. 100% FSM achieved compared to 64% Notts, 100% BME achieved compared to 92% Notts, and 100% EAL achieved compared to 92% Notts, so the gaps are positive for St Joseph’s.
Key Stage 2 Summary
Attainment at the end of KS2 in all subjects apart from Reading is below Notts. Results in Reading and GP&S have improved again this year, Writing results fallen slightly, however Maths results have declined now for the past two years and the combined score of 43% is well below the Notts average of 59%. Those achieving the higher standard 0% is below the Notts average of 7%. Scaled scores are below Notts averages.
ARE 83% 90% of boys, 80% of girls
- Outcomes were above the Nottinghamshire average 74%
- The Greater Depth score of 17% is below the Notts GDS 27%
- 89% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in Reading is -0.7 a decrease on previous year
ARE 67% 50% of boys, 75% of girls
- Outcomes were just below the Nottinghamshire average 69%
- The Greater Depth score of 0% is below the Notts GDS 13%
- 56% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 80% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in is -1.7 which is low and follows moderation of Writing from the Local Authority. A priority to improve writing provision in school is required in the 2022-2023 SDP
ARE 63% 80% of boys, 55% of girls
- Outcomes were below the Nottinghamshire average 71%
- The Greater Depth score of 13% is below the Notts GDS 23%
- 56% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard
- No children with SEN reached the expected
- 60% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard
- The Average scaled score in Reading is -1.1 a decrease on previous year
In Summary, the Reading result is very positive and 6% above what was predicted, and the Grammar result is good, 3% above what was predicted. The Maths score is lower than expected by 14% (which accounts for 4 children with 99 scaled scores with 100 being the pass mark), the writing score is also lower than expected by 10% following the moderation. This leaves the combined score much lower than expected by 30%, which is difficult following some healthy data on the whole; reviewing this it looks like the Maths and Writing results have caused the issue with the combined score.
Standards Summary 2020-21:
Foundation Stage
- Overall percentages of children attaining a Good Level of Development (GLD) was 60% which is a 15% decrease on previous year’s results and just below the Local Authority figure of 63%.
- 60% of children attained expected or exceeded in all ELG compared to LA 61%.
- 60% of children reached GLD in Literacy compared to LA 66%
- 60% of children reached GLD in Maths compared to LA 73%.
- 83% of children reached a good level of development in all prime areas (CL, PD and PSED) compared to LA 72%
Key Stage 1 summary –
- The combined score for Reading, Writing and Maths was 61% exceeding the Notts average of 57%. Outcomes in Reading and Writing were inline with the Nottinghamshire average and just below in Maths. Outcomes at GDS compared favourable with Notts results with outcomes higher in Maths and Writing.
ARE 65% 67% of boys, 63% of girls
GDS 19% 33% of boys, 11% of girls
- Outcomes were just below the Nottinghamshire average 70% in Maths
- Boys reaching the expected standard 67% is just now below the notts boys figure of 71% a significant increase on previous results.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 63% is below the notts girls figure of 69%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in maths 33% was well above notts 18%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in maths 11% was inline with notts 12%
- 19% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 15% notts
- A good increase in Maths attainment this year of for boys wuith strong results for GDS.
33% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 39% locally
- 20% of the EAL children reached the expected standard an improvement below 72% locally.
- No SEN children met the expected standard compared to 26% locally
ARE 68% 67% of boys, 68% of girls
Above ARE 61% 17% of boys, 16% of girls
- Outcomes were inline with the Nottinghamshire average 69%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 67% is just above the notts boys figure of 65%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 68% is below the notts girls figure of 72%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in reading 17% was inline with notts 17%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in reading 16% was below notts 21%
- 16% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 19% notts
- 50% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 47% locally.
- 20% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 71% locally.
- No Children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 22% locally.
ARE 65% 58% of boys, 68% of girls
Above ARE 13% 8% of boys, 16% of girls
- Outcomes were just above the Nottinghamshire average 62% in Writing
- Boys reaching the expected standard 58% is just above the notts boys figure of 56% and a positive increase on previous results for school.
- Girls reaching the expected standard 68% is inline with the notts girls figure of 69%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in writing 8% was inline with the notts figure of 7%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in writing 16% was above notts 12%
- 13% achieving the greater depth standard, compared to 10% notts
- 50% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 39% locally.
- 20% of the EAL children reached the expected standard as opposed to 66% locally.
- No children with SEN support reached the expected standard compared to 15% locally.
Phonics Screening
- 90% of pupils achieved the expected standard in the Y1 phonics screening test compared to Nottinghamshire 71%. 100% boys 85% girls. 75% FSM achieved compared to 51% Notts, 100% BME achieved compared to 90% Notts, and 100% EAL achieved compared to 90% Notts, so the gaps are positive for St Joseph’s.
Key Stage 2 Summary
Attainment at the end of KS2 in all subjects is below Notts. Results across school have decreased this last year and the combined score of 63% is just below the Notts average of 66%. Those achieving the higher standard 0% is well below the Notts average of 12.5%. Scaled scores are below Notts averages.
ARE 70% 53% of boys, 87% of girls
GDS 0% 0% of boys, 0% of girls
- Outcomes were below the Nottinghamshire average 79%
- The Greater Depth score of 0% is well below the Notts GDS 31%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 53% was well below the Notts 75%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 87% is above the Notts girls figure of 83%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in Reading 0% is below the notts 26%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in Reading 0% is well below the notts figure 37%
- 50% of disadvantaged FSM pupils reached the expected standard, compared to Notts 62%
- No children with SEN reached the expected standard compared to 35% locally
- 50% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard compared to 78% locally.
- The Average scaled score in Reading is 98 below notts 103
ARE 67% 47% of boys, 87% of girls
GDS 0% 0% of boys, 0% of girls
- Outcomes were below the Notts average 73% in Writing
- The Greater Depth score of 0% is below the notts GDS 17%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 47% is below the notts 66%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 87% is above the notts 79%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in Writing 0% is below the Notts 12%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in Writing 0% is below the notts 22%
- 75% of FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 54% Notts
- 50% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard compared to 73% notts.
- No SEN children reached the standard compared to 24% Notts
ARE 70% 60% of boys, 80% of girls
GDS 0% 0% of boys, 0% of girls
- Outcomes were just below the Nottinghamshire average 76% in Maths
- The Greater Depth score of 0% is below the notts GDS 24%
- Boys reaching the expected standard 60% is below the notts 76%
- Girls reaching the expected standard 80% is above the notts 76%
- Boys reaching the greater depth standard in maths 0% is below the notts 27%
- Girls reaching the greater depth standard in maths is 0% is below the notts 20%
- 50% of FSM pupils reached the expected standard compared to 57% notts
100% of EAL pupils reached the expected standard compared to79% locally.
- No SEN children reached the standard compared to 35% locally
- Maths average score is 99 compared to notts 102