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Welcome to the Y1 Toys and Games page!


In this History topic we learn about toys and games from the past.

We learn that, in the past, children would play lots of different games and make toys to keep themselves entertained.

Here are lots of fun, optional extra activities you can do at home.

Enjoy!  Mrs Howley xxx




Try some these activities at home…


Ask older family and friends what they liked to play with in the past.  How are their toys and games different? How are they the same?

Learn a skipping rhyme



Make a fortune-teller

How To Make a Paper Fortune Teller

Make a peg or paper doll




Make a paper aeroplane

How To Fold A Paper Airplane That Flies Far. (Full HD)

Make some puppets and put on a play. 

You could even make a theatre from a cardboard box


Learn a clapping game


A Sailor Went to Sea.MOV

Still image for this video

Learn some string games

How to do Cat's Cradle

Make a whirly-gig



Start a scrapbook.  Victorian children loved to save their favourite pictures and paste them into a scrapbook.  Sometimes they would cut out images from newspapers and magazines or greetings cards.  They would mix flour and water to make the glue.


Start a journal

Victorians liked to keep a journal.  They would write about things they had done, places they visited and people they met.  They would also sketch interesting things they saw and glue in souvenirs like tickets, pressed flowers, etc.




Or Try learning how to play one of these games…



Hide and Seek


Noughts and Crosses




Blind Man’s Buff





100 Years of Toys
