Children from St Josephs Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy Retford move to a range of Secondary schools when they leave primary school. Our Catholic Secondary School is the McAuley Catholic Academy in Doncaster. There is a bus service which children from the local area use for transport to the McAuley. There are two local Secondary Schools called the Elizabethan Academy and Retford Oaks Academy both within walking distance of St Josephs. The Tuxford Academy is in Tuxford and accessed via a bus service from Retford. The Queen Elizabethan Grammar High School in Gainsborough is another choice for parents; children take the 11+ tests when applying for the Grammar school and a bus service is available from Retford.
Transition arrangements for all the secondary schools takes place formally in the 2nd half of the summer term for children in Y6. There are also transition arrangements which take place throughout the academic year. All arrangements are communicated through the schools newsletter and letters sent home.