Sports Premium
Here at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we believe that P.E. is an integral part of the curriculum, allowing children to experience various sporting activities and competing at different levels and abilities both in and outside school. All pupils have at least two hours plus P.E. per week. We encourage all children to participate in all lessons and events and offer a varied range of activities to suit all abilities.
The PE and Sport Premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the physical education, physical activity and sport that they offer their pupils. The premium must be spent on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils to encourage the development of healthy active lifestyles.
Early Years
PE is a very important part of children's all-round learning, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Our EYFS provision provides opportunities for all children to develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of experiences. These experiences develop their strength, balance, agility, co-ordination and positional awareness through indoor and outdoor planned activities. Through the use of the outdoor learning environment, we have found that not only has gross and fine motor skills improved but speech and language and communication of all children has developed significantly.
In KS1 we want to encourage and motivate children to engage within P.E and a broader range of sports. We cover a wide range of areas within P.E, these include multi skills, dance, gymnastics, invasion games, ball games and a range of activities to support and continue to develop coordination and team working skills.
Children in KS1 are also able to experience working with Doncaster Rovers P.E coaches and partner schools help broaden their experiences within sport.
KS2 children continue to follow an extensive P.E curriculum, as well as also being able to work alongside Doncaster Rover sports coaches it is ensured that children experience and engage in a range of physical activities including gymnastics, ball games, dance and swimming. Swimming is taught to KS2 children by professional swimming coaches throughout the year and receive awards depending on their progress.
Children within KS2 have wider opportunities to attend competitive events and tournaments outside of school and engage with The School Games. Children have the opportunity to play for the school football team within the Primary League against other local schools as well as attend swim gala's and become sports leaders if they choose to do so.