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Y1 PHOTO GALLERY 2019-2020

Spring Half Term

We made St Valentine's Day cards for our loved ones

14th Feb'20 - We planned, prepared and planned our own liturgy about LOVE

Feb'20 - Materials Science Investigation

We started our new RE topic MEALS by making collages of our favourite meals

31st Jan - We reenacted the Chinese Zodiac story with Debutots

24th Jan - We loved choosing books at the Boggledy Book Fair

Jan'20- We made binoculars and went on a bear hunt!!!

We started our new RE topic: Special People. The Altar Servers came to see us to talk about how they help in church. We asked them lots of questions.


We finished the Autumn Term with a peaceful Christingle Liturgy

We worked hard rehearsing and performing our nativity- A Magical Christmas Journey!

We made our own Advent wreaths and learned all about what the different parts represent.

We celebrated the feast of Christ the King with FS and Y2

Our Christmas Post Office is open for business!

We started our 'Waiting' RE topic

Children in Need

Nov'19 - We acted out a Baptism and learned about the symbols involved

Autumn Half Term

17th Oct - We made smoothies as part of our HARVEST THEME DAY

16th Oct - We visited the Elizabethan High School for a Multi-skills morning

11th Oct - We re-enacted the story of Sleeping Beauty with the help of PARTAKE

7th Oct - Laura visited us from the museum to teach us more about homes in Victorian times

We are enjoying our new game SWAT A SPELLING

27th Sept'19 - We compared old and new houses on our HISTORY WALK

We practised reading HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS in our fun head hunters game

Vicky and Hazel came to visit us from the BIG TALK team

We have used lots of different equipment to practise our NUMBER SKILLS

We gather to share and reflect on our work.
