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Mental Health and Well-being

Please find attached a document which outlines a new support service for mental health for children in Nottinghamshire. The attached toolkit communicates information about the service 'Be U Notts' and includes as follows; • Campaign Overview • Service Background • Be U Notts in a Nutshell • Key Messages • Social Media Assets & Suggested Messages The Be U Notts service can be accessed by pupils, parents and professionals by either phoning or completing an online form as shown below. • Helpline – 0115 708 0008 • Website –

To support mental health and well-being there is a helpline for adults and young people across Nottinghamshire. The Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline offers access to support for people who need emotional support or information about their mental health.


Please also find the resource pack which contains information as posters and digital assets.


The helpline number is 0300 555 0730 and is open from 9am until 11pm, 7 days a week. For more information and mental health resources visit


When you call the helpline, you will speak to an experienced, trained worker who will listen and support you to find solutions or options to help you move forward with what is happening in your life. It is often a relief to speak openly to someone you don’t know in confidence. The helpline worker will also be able to guide you to other organisations that may be of help to you.


The helpline is delivered by Turning Point, a national social enterprise, which has provided specialist mental health services on behalf of the NHS in Nottingham for over 30 years including a residential crisis service and also transitional residential support for people following a stay on a mental health ward.


Thank you for taking the time to read this information.


New service in Nottinghamshire for mental health

List of resources to support Oral Health and hygiene

School specific

Tilly the Tooth Science lesson plans for Years 1 to 6 are the first national dental resources for schools. View at:  

e-Bug lesson plans on oral hygiene (for 7-11 year olds) Prevention of infection: oral hygiene. Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2. View at:  

Resources for additional information

Delivering Better Oral Health: A quick guide to a healthy mouth in children.  

Child Oral Health – Applying All Our Health.  

PHE e learning – child oral health.  

Health Matters – child dental health.  

PHE toolkit to support supervised tooth brushing programmes in early years and school settings.  

Introducing 'Smiles Matter' Supervised Brushing in Oldham.
